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Monday, February 16, 2004

FireFox Web Developer Tools

Let me just say wow...I just installed the FireFox Web Developer Tools and wow... Have I said wow yet?

Here I am in an audio chat with Dan. I install the toolbar at his suggestion. Here's what happened...

Me: Disable Domain Cookies, Disable Cookies, Disable Image, Disable Java, Disable JavaScript, Disable Styles...? Wow...

Dan: And that's just the first button!

Me: I know!!!

Does this mean we're super geeky? :-)

Chris Pederick wrote the Web Developer Tools and he's also done a User Agent Switcher that I'll be checking out. There's some screenshots and details at his site if you're not the adventurous type to install without knowing first what you're getting... (Chris, I don't know you but I like you already. Thanks so much!)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (6) | Add Comment | Permalink