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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Comment Catch-up

I've been really bad about responding to blog comments lately, I'm sorry! I'm all caught up now though... Thanks to all of you who posted legitimate comments and well wishes. I truly appreciate it and I'm sorry for not responding sooner!

To those of you who didn't get a response, don't expect one. You were either spamming or trying to get away with looking like you're friendly and sneaking in a link to your site to boost your SEO listings.

FYI, I have to approve all comments and I won't approve a comment if it looks even slightly like it is not sincere. If you include a URL, it may get stripped out unless I know you personally and trust that your link is appropriate. I won't approve any foreign language sites, so don't bother.

Ok, I'm done venting now ;-)

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (2) | Add Comment | Permalink

Frogs and Deer!

We haven't even moved into the new house yet and Gaetano is already making friends. On Monday, Gaetano met five of the six kids that live across the street from our new house and one of them came by to see if Gaetano could play the very next day. In his little hand was a tiny brown frog!

The neighbors told us that they often have deer in their front yard chewing on plants. Wow! Living in Cedar Park is going to be so cool...

Posted by ~Angela | Comments (0) | Add Comment | Permalink